MacKenzie Scott Net worth 2023

MacKenzie Scott Net worth


MacKenzie Scott, formerly MacKenzie Bezos, is an American author, philanthropist, and ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. She made headlines in 2019 when she pledged to give away the majority of her wealth to charitable causes. As of 2023, MacKenzie Scott's net worth is estimated to be around $75 billion, making her one of the richest women in the world.

Early Life and Career

MacKenzie Scott was born on April 7, 1970, in San Francisco, California. She graduated from Princeton University in 1992 with a degree in English literature. After college, she worked as a research assistant and later as a writer for a New York investment firm.

In 1993, MacKenzie moved to Seattle and began working for D. E. Shaw & Co, where she met Jeff Bezos, who was the company's vice president. The two were married in 1993 and moved to Seattle, where Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in 1994.


In 2019, MacKenzie Scott announced that she had signed the Giving Pledge, a commitment to donate the majority of her wealth to charitable causes during her lifetime. In a blog post, she wrote, "There's no question in my mind that anyone's personal wealth is the product of a collective effort, and of social structures which present opportunities to some people, and obstacles to countless others."

Since then, MacKenzie Scott has donated billions of dollars to hundreds of organizations working in various areas such as education, racial justice, and economic mobility. In 2020 alone, she donated over $5 billion to organizations such as historically black colleges and universities, food banks, and organizations that support women and girls.

Her giving has been characterized by a willingness to support smaller, lesser-known organizations that have a direct impact on their communities. In a statement announcing her donations in 2020, she wrote, "These 384 carefully selected teams have dedicated their lives to helping others, working and volunteering and serving real people face-to-face at bedsides and tables, in prisons and courtrooms and classrooms, on streets and hospital wards and hotlines and frontlines of all types and sizes, day after day after day."

Personal Life

MacKenzie Scott and Jeff Bezos announced their divorce in January 2019 after 25 years of marriage. As part of the divorce settlement, MacKenzie Scott received 25% of the couple's Amazon stock, worth approximately $36 billion at the time. She has since remarried to Dan Jewett, a science teacher at a private school in Seattle.


MacKenzie Scott's remarkable philanthropy has earned her widespread admiration and respect. Her willingness to give away billions of dollars to organizations that are making a real difference in their communities is a testament to her belief in the power of collective action and the importance of creating a more equitable society. As she continues to give away the majority of her wealth, her impact on the world is sure to be felt for generations to come.