Stefan Quandt Net worth 2023

Stefan Quandt Net worth

Stefan Quandt, the German industrialist and billionaire, is best known as the majority shareholder of BMW, the world-renowned luxury car manufacturer. As of 2023, his net worth is estimated to be around $24 billion, making him one of the richest people in Germany and the world.

Early Life and Career

Stefan Quandt was born on May 9, 1966, in Bad Homburg, Germany. He is the son of Herbert Quandt, who played a pivotal role in saving BMW from bankruptcy in the 1960s and became its majority shareholder. Stefan Quandt inherited his father's stake in the company after his death in 1982.

After graduating from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with a degree in industrial engineering and management, Stefan Quandt began his career as an engineer at BMW. He worked in various departments, including research and development, production planning, and sales.

In the late 1990s, Stefan Quandt founded Delton AG, an investment company that focuses on technology, renewable energy, and real estate. Through Delton, he has invested in various companies, including SolarWorld, which produces solar panels, and the wind energy company Nordex.

BMW and Other Business Ventures

Stefan Quandt is currently the deputy chairman of the supervisory board of BMW. He also holds various positions in the company, including director of BMW AG and member of the board of management of BMW Holding GmbH.

Apart from BMW, Stefan Quandt also has business interests in other industries. He is the chairman of the supervisory board of Carbon2Chem, a joint venture between thyssenkrupp and BASF that focuses on developing sustainable production processes for chemicals. He is also the co-founder of Data Intelligence Technologies, a software company that provides solutions for data-driven decision-making.


Stefan Quandt is known for his philanthropic activities, particularly in the areas of education and the environment. In 2006, he established the Herbert Quandt Foundation in honor of his father, which provides funding for projects related to science, education, and social welfare.

Stefan Quandt is also a supporter of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), one of the largest environmental organizations in Germany. He has donated millions of euros to NABU to support its conservation efforts.


Stefan Quandt's success as a businessman and investor has made him one of the wealthiest people in the world. His contributions to the success of BMW and his investments in renewable energy and technology have earned him a reputation as a visionary entrepreneur. Through his philanthropic activities, he has also shown his commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment. As we move towards a more sustainable future, Stefan Quandt's business ventures and philanthropy are sure to play a crucial role.